emdiag EMDIAG Repvfy 12c kit - troubleshooting part 1 The following blog post continue the EMDIAG repvfy kit series and will focus on how to troubleshoot and solve the problems reported by the kit. The repository verification kit reports number of problems with our repository which we are about to troubleshoot and solve one by one. It’s important
emdiag EMDIAG Repvfy 12c kit - basics Second post in the series of emdiag repvfy kit about the basics of the tool. Having the kit already installed in earlier post it is time now to get some basics before we start troubleshooting. There are three main commands with repvfy: verify - repository-wide verification analyze - objects specific
emdiag EMDIAG Repvfy 12c kit - installation Recently I’m doing a lot of OEM stuff for a customer and I’ve decided to tidy and clean up a little bit. The OEM version was 12cR2 and it was used for monitoring few Exadata’s and had around 650 targets. I planned to upgrade OEM to 12cR3,