MGMTDB not automatically created on Exadata X5 and GI
While deploying an X5 Full Rack recently it happened that the Grid Infrastructure Management Repository was not created by onecommand. The GIMR database was optional in and became mandatory in and should be automatically installed with Oracle Grid Infrastructure 12c release 1 ( For unknown reason to me that didn't happen and I had to create it manually. I've checked all the log files but couldn't find any errors. For reference the OEDA version used was Feb 2015 v15.050, image version on the Exadata was
To create the database login as the grid user and create file holding the following variables:
cat > /tmp/
oracle.assistants.asm|S_ASMPASSWORD=[your ASM password]
oracle.assistants.asm|S_ASMMONITORPASSWORD=[your ASM password]
and run the following command:
[oracle@exa01 ~]$ $GRID_HOME/cfgtoollogs/configToolAllCommands RESPONSE_FILE=/tmp/
For reference, here is similar bug I found on MOS:
-MGMTDB Not Created When Using EM12c Provisioning (Doc ID 1983885.1)